Q: You talk a lot about the soul. Please help me understand what the soul is (continued from the past 12 weeks).
A: Our soul is an actual piece of Divinity.
It is pure; it is the essence of who we are. The problem is that all sorts of physical stuff gets on top of it and distracts us. That’s why one of the greatest quotes I’ve ever heard is: “the only thing wrong with me is that I think there is something wrong with me.” (Rabbi YY Jacobson).
In other words, my soul is pure goodness. Nothing can change that.
At our core, we are spiritual beings living in a physical world; not physical beings living in a spiritual world.
When we know who we are, when we are connected to whom we really are, then it will naturally follow that we will live healthier lives, mentally and emotionally.
"Ramblings on the Psych Ward"
(continued from the last twelve weeks) Q: Dr. Guterson, you talk a lot about the soul? Maybe you can help me understand what a soul is? A: Our soul, which is an actual piece of Divinity, is sent to earth into our body. In healthy individuals, the soul extends its influence throughout the body. What results then is body and soul working in harmony, taking that which is physical and infusing it with spirituality. For twelve weeks now we’ve been trying to get a grasp of what this elusive soul is all about. According to Chassidic philosophy, the structure of the soul consists of three intellectual powers and seven emotional powers. In a spiritually healthy person, intellect drives emotion. The goal of all this is the last of the soul powers, called Actualization. That is because action, actualizing things, is the main thing. Our soul’s original flash of Divinity now can find expression in the practical. Then the body, with the soul as its guidepost, can exert positive influence on the world. Action, yes action! Doing the deed, good deeds! I cannot tell you how many patients have said they feel so much better when they have a schedule, when they have a life with things to do. When I watched the Netflix series, “The Crown”, it seemed that those in the world of royalty simply didn’t know what to do with themselves. They appeared bored and unhappy. Humans were made to toil, toil for the good, and to find meaning in a life of action and giving. To be continued
(continued from the last eleven weeks)
Q: Dr. Guterson, you talk a lot about the soul? Maybe you can help me understand what a soul is?
A: Our soul, which is inside our body, is an actual piece of Divinity. That is why we all have an intrinsic yearning for transcendence. Often we lose touch with this, allowing ourselves to be distracted and even dominated by our physical desires. But the yearnings of our Divine Soul will always perk up again, reminding us who we really are.
Ideally, body and soul should work in harmony, taking all that is physical in our life and infusing it with spirituality.
According to Chassidic philosophy, the structure of the soul consists of three intellectual and seven emotional powers. In a spiritually healthy person, intellect drives emotion. This is an extremely important point.
Having established a foundation of knowledge and desire for holiness (which we have discussed the past two weeks), our soul now moves into action mode. Thus, the next three emotional soul powers are:
Endurance, also known as Fortitude and Victory, which is an expression of our drive to move forward with determination. It is the mindset to overcome all obstacles with enthusiasm, trusting that our Higher Power is with us. In the words of Winston Churchill, “Never, never, never give up!”
Sublimation, as in a self-abnegation, a letting go of ego to achieve our goal. Hand it over to the Higher Power. As the Beatles sang, “Let It Be”!
Foundation, also known as Connection, is where we connect the energy of the previous five emotional traits and boost them into action.
Too many people are blocked and hesitate. They have lots of stuff brewing inside that they want to do but they are afraid. Afraid of embarrassment, afraid of making a mistake. Filled with all this self consciousness, they miss out on their dreams. And then avoidance breeds more avoidance.
As one is more in touch with one’s soul, fear of failure turns into opportunity and action.
To be continued….